Monday, November 25, 2013
LAD #2:Emancipation Proclamation
In this Doctrine, which went into effect on December 2, 1823, was a statement made by the United States to all of the European powers. In this statement, the Untied States said that none of the European powers were to try and colonize any far of the New World from here on in. The United States, along with Russia and Great Britain believed that it was time for the European powers to end their colonial ventures in the new world and to keep their affairs domestic. The U.S urged that an attempt to colonize nations in the New World would present a threat to American security and the Americans would take appropriate action. The United States recognized many nations such as Mexico and Chile and bolstered a new era of Independence in the New World.
LAD #19: Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
Lincoln starts off his Second Inaugural Address there is less occasion for him to have a lengthy speech because he was already president once and they were already well into the Civil War. He then goes on to talk about his previous Inaugural Address and how it was before the impending Civil War. He also says the South would've make war than let the nation survive and the North would rather accept war than let it perish. He then talks about how 1/8 of the population is slaves in the South and that he only seeks to contain them. He states that no side predicted how bloody and hard fought this battle would be. He incorporates religion and says that God's will can determine the end of the war even though both sides want it to end. He ends this speech by saying we need to finish our work and create an "everlasting peace."

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
LAD #18: Dred Scott Decision
At the Scott v. Sanford the court was overlooking the larger issues of negro citizenship and disagreement over the Missouri Compromise so they changed the chief justice from Justice Nelson to Roger Taney. Taney did a better job than Nelson who focused on his opinion rather than the opinion of the majority. Taney stated that because they have negro ancestors that were sold to the country as slaves, even if they are free in the country they can not be considered citizens and not have the rights of a citizen. So this meant that Scott does not have a right to a court because he wasn't a citizen. He then moves to the Missouri Compromise stating that it is unconstitutional because in every state, citizens are guaranteed life, liberty, and property. Since slaves were considered property this essentially made slavery legal in all U.S. states. He concluded the case wrapping up what he just said and adding that Dred Scott was a slave in any state so the court ruled in favor of Sanford.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
LAD #17: Ain't I a Woman?
Sojourner Truth speech Ain't I a Woman touches on the fact that slaves, and especially slave women, are treated so much more poorly than whites. She starts off by saying that white women are suppose to be treated kindly and have the best place but no one has ever helped her. She explains how she is treated very poorly because she is the lowest class citizen being a slave and a woman. She than says that people say women can't have as many rights as man because Christ was a man, but Christ was born from a woman so man had nothing to do with Him. She ends with saying women are strong enough to turn the world upside down.

LAD #16: 5th of July Speech
Frederick Douglass starts off his speech referring to himself as what instead of who, symbolizing how he was thought of as property and not a person. He goes on to say who is he to say that the terrible practices such as beating men with sticks, hunting them with dogs, and selling them at auctions is wrong. He says he has better things he can do than list all the things slavery does that is wrong. He then goes on to explain that on the Fourth of July the true hypocrisy of our nation is brought out and that the celebration is a sham. He says that we celebrate freedom and equality in our country when we are really savages who are enslaving people. He then ends with saying that there is no other place in the world that commits a more barbaric act than the people in the United States.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
LAD #15: The Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln gave his memorable Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, after the Union defeated the Confederacy Army at the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln said, the nation was in a civil war that would test if we could endure any longer. He felt the battlefield that brought an end to this war should be remembered as a final resting place for those who lost their lives fighting. The rest of the nation who were still alive, Lincoln said, should dedicate themselves to finish the work those who died left behind. To honor those who died, the living had to resolve the problems they had died for. The people who died will not have died in vain and a new birth of freedom was about to emerge.
LAD #14: Lincolns 1st Inaugural Address
Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address was delivered on March 4th, 1861. This statement started with Lincoln claiming that he had no intention of stopping the activity of slavery in the states that were already slave states, he only wanted to stop the spread of slavery to other states. He then stated that he would protect the rights of states and turn the United States into a patriotic country once again. He also says that the oath that he had taken was meant to protect the Constitution and it made him responsible for enforcing the laws throughout the Union. He also states that he will do anything to keep the United States together as a Union and to avert war between states. He said that if states secede it is unconstitutional, which is how he tried to prevent Civil War by keeping the United States as one Union.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
LAD #13 John Calhoun's Speech
In John Calhoun's speech he states that he believes the United States has a threat of disunity. He states that this disunity was a result of the differences between the beliefs of the North and the South. He believed that compromises must be made in order to keep peace and unity within the country and keep both the North and the South happy. He believed the differences between the North and the South would only continue to grow due to the North's increasing prosperity. He states that the only way that both sides could be pleased is if the South gets their rights to the land they own. Also the South should not have to choose the abolition of slavery. Calhoun states that these problems stem from the unequal representation in the government and they need to be solved in order for the country to be unified.
LAD #12 Polk's War Message
President James K. Polk starts off his war message going into the origin of the conflicts between the United States and Mexico.He then goes on to explain how he tried to make peace with the Mexican government but they rejected the offering and attacked nearby American settlements. He says he wants to make diplomatic relations with Mexico which is why he sent John Slidell to Mexico. Slidell a US diplomat was sent to Mexico to discuss the killing of Americans on US land and the Texas boundary but the Mexican government refused to listen to his ideas. The Mexicans were crossing the American border and killing US citizens and Polk decided it was time to declare war on Mexico to protect these men. He asks Congress to recognize the war and start building up troops and supplies. He states it will be a short war to settle their problems.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
LAD #11 Seneca Falls Declaration
The Seneca Falls Declaration starts out by referencing the Declaration of Independence in saying "all men and women are created equal." It then goes on to explain the list of grievances that women have in which they have been made below men just like in the Declaration of Independence. These grievances include women not given the right to vote, having to follow laws that they have no say in the formation of, being unable to own land or even their own wages, and many more. It also provides resolutions to these problems that include making women man's equal, that they should be enlightened to the laws which they live under, laws that make women inferior to men should be abolished, and many more. The Seneca Falls Declaration is basically the Declaration of Independence but between women and men rather than the United States and Britain.
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