Sunday, September 15, 2013

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

1. The Declaration of Independence includes many democratic principles such as all men are created equal and the three unalienable rights for men: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It also gives the power of the government to the people that are being governed and if the government turns corrupt, abusing their power, then the people have a right to overthrow the government. It focused on giving power to the people so America would not turn into Britain and have a corrupt leader.

2. The list of grievances was a list of all the wrongdoings of the British Government and King George III. These included King George III's refusal to pass laws unless he benefited from them as well as complaints about taxing and not letting America trade with any other countries.Other grievances include the standing armies kept among the Americans in times of peace and depriving the Americans of trial by jury.

3. The conclusions of the Declaration of Independence states that America has warned Britain many times of the circumstances they were under and Britain ignored them. It also states that the United States is and has the right to be free and independent states completely free of British control. This means that America has the right to levy war, conduct peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and everything a country should be able to do, without the British controlling it.

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